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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: When All Remains

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

When All Remains

"If there was nothing else,
and no one but us two..."
with all that was is just a memory
for it will always be
merely wisps in thought
next to the love we share,
I would still feel rich and blessed
wrapped in your arms
far from the cold and ruins.

Our hearts have a song
that sings above every crisis
drowns out the groans and tears,
together is the sun that shines
as a day that always gives us light.

It is the wind from our lips
rising out of breath in longing
gently brush such peace
over each other.

A morning we can face anything
because in our oneness
we have a foundation
never crumbling or decaying.

What whispers you give
keep me so strong and alive
though time and pains intrude
for ours is its own planet
within our souls,
rich and fertile,
sublime and complete
regardless of what surrounds.

Oh my fated lips
shall bear all scars
be destitute and a vagabond,
yet dwell in joy forever
as long as I have you.


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