The Sky Kissers
Their nose is so high in the air
minds can possible know
anything below the clouds
because angels are holding them skybound
above the muck and filth,
perfect, pristine, beyond capacity
never making a single mistake.
Naturally, nobody else
can match their flawless flight,
it is their duty, a sacred calling
to described in precise detail
every miniscule mar in your life,
make sure your smallest goof
is seen as a capital crime.
Can’t allow anything to exist
unless it is dissected and slaughtered
god forbid a word might be uttered
possessed of a syllable in hope.
The world would be vaporized
before they uttered one kindness
or didn’t use your heart
as a stone to sharpen their knife.
Should by chance you expired
they would point out
how your corpse was littering
and doing it with bad form
after all death is no excuse
for letting your body
stop trying to be as matchless as theirs.
But then they would no doubt
have no need for a coffin
why bother when you will
just float up to heaven
and sit on your throne.
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