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Saturday, June 25, 2011


It isn’t the field where you fall,
along that trail turning left unexpectedly
where you assumed would end at a mansion,
which covers your mind
and consumes your attention,
utterly screaming so deep into your senses
so it totally dominates each thought.

Instead it is the blades that brush against your leg,
poke through the fabric and give it reality
that transforms the long fail trek towards an oasis
into a pit stop at the profound.

Words spoke while walking,
those assumptions of the sight,
suddenly lose their meaning,
no longer are they gems waiting to be found.

For that meadow met in its raw earthy essence
in life’s genuine heartland
has its own splendor and fascination,
provided you take time
to truly embrace the scenery,
feel its wealth with all its textures
rather than bemoan
how it isn’t heaven.

What lies before the feet
are the detours to truths without costumes
carefully and intensely touch
as either a the dwelling place embraced
filled with what can honesty be,
or just keep on telling yourself
somewhere will come that is greener.


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