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Sunday, April 03, 2011

She sleeps

She sleeps in shadows filled with screams,
voices moaning in icy spine spikes
only she can hear,
given drugs to calm her panic,
parents and friends
all thinking her mind has fallen
into a hopeless crypt of dementia.

World floods her night and day
with anxiety when she hears the murmurs in her brain,
as she feels tears and thoughts raging
in unseen beings speaking their tormented echoes,
insides burning with visions
that stalk from places
where she has never been.

Reluctantly accepting therapist's session,
conforming to the reality
forced upon her by those
who can feel what stalks her every waking second..

It all leaves her traumatized
and confused, trying at night
to avoid the trembling
when those unearthly sounds
come through the walls.

They say so many strange things,
blends of eerie and oddly serene,
has no clue on what they all mean,
but their sound so ominous and powerful.

Between the haze induced by her meds,
there are the moments when it almost makes sense,
still she resists the idea that stirs in her thinking,
this encounter, which flows with so many images,
is brought by golden transparent creatures.
So hard to accept the idea
she rejects as insanity,
heaven she doesn't even believe in
has whispered in her name,
and given her wings of a prophet.


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