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Monday, March 28, 2011

The Staircase

I have look upwards through the sky
to see the terraces of my dreams,
the places fill with my lives
that I thought I wanted to be,
a published writer, an executive,
marriage and family,
it all dwelled where I could claim
provided I just ascended
every step of effort needed.

But time tests and transforms
what is your visions
found a love of writing,
which is my passion
though lies outside the publisher’s walls,
become a supervisor instead of vice president,
yet discovered a joy at that level of work,
and accepted marriage with family
meant something totally different
than I first imagined.

Success and accomplishment for me
were an inward journey of learning,
to embrace with understanding a peace
where my feet had actually trod,
for I came to truly find happiness
when I looked for the gems
among the places I had come.

It was more reward to me
since I learned to see
all the blessings that had come
rather than what faded from my hopes.


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