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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: In The Aftermath

Friday, April 01, 2011

In The Aftermath

The prophets always prevail in the post pronouncements
about the wake that follows any tidal force calamity,
vows are affixed in passionate proclamation,
in hopes this vestige of consequence
shall not become a harbinger of tomorrow’s ruins.

Then come the meetings and the speeches,
all the rally’s to end injustices
that leave their scars and blood dripped upon the mind
over a wound that no one cared
to prevent by taking away the villain’s brandished knife.

It is the legacy of dramatics that gets so much practice
by the hindsight sages that never have any real insight,
who always wait for the sacrifice of innocence
before they decide to react,
far too busy in their ardent zeal for attention
for noticing all those in the aftermath hints
visible in eyes of hurting souls,
carrying the storm warnings of a gathering rage,
which could be avoided if one wasn’t so busy
giving their sermonize philosophies of regret
over some other moment that was ignored
and now somebody has to pick up the pieces
of the preventable destruction.


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