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Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Park

It lies near the edge of this bike path I follow

and for me it is a symbol of my health,

however strange it seems,

but the moment I reach that place

see the restroom and sprawling lawn,

there is that sense that I made it again

a wave of relief that despite the pains and problems,

I was still able to reach that goal

be assured I was alive and had one more day of hope.


Then I can look out over the river,

the thickets in foliage that create a scenic emerald landscape,

inhale the fresh air and sense of being so complete alive,

within it gives a glow, the time of renewal

where that simple word, park

becomes my personal metaphor for surviving,

this silent habitat in grassy amplitude,

which sinks into my soul as a balm,

softly soothing my pains and worries

as I cherish is essence in the spell it provides

for in that solitude it is the reminder

life is precious and to be celebrated,

before I pedal off beyond its boundaries

mind filled with vibration images

of how I have yet more time to breath, love and savor.



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