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Saturday, January 09, 2010


In want’s wilderness have I wandered as a nomad,

steadily stepping the strides of searching

through the acrid acres in arid acumen.

My eyes glazed by the harsh light,

inside baked by the furnace breath in blistering breezes,

just looking for those erudite edifices

that stand out among the vast sands of monotony.


Though weathered and worn by the winds

what rises from the dust and dirt,

remains solid against any season

are the rocks in wisdom that never crack,

those anchors for the spirit in any climate,

ageless, matchless gems in stability.


Among the vagabonds in wayfaring wonder

who walk on treks through undisturbed landscape,

yet let their scenery truly speak its message,

each pivotal spot that is touched as security

summons an oasis in enlightenment.


While the wisps of enigma stalk the dunes,

even when the air holds the voices of doubt’s ghosts,

within those foundations found upon that desert

are the quiet refuges in reality.


A place to stand above the raging elements,

which burdens thinking and plagues the heart,

always feeling lost while on the journey,

unable to find a direction away from the chaos.


But once those pillars are discovered

they hold the tranquil tones that soothe,

summon a calm in all the anxiety

for they become like a refuge.


Along those paths often take alone

are find those rocks of truth

upon which to built,

they transform  barren land

into a garden for the mind.


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