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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: What Writes The Sky

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What Writes The Sky

What writes the sky

above the pillars of corporate suites

is the color green and paper clouds

dollar suns and profit lights,

they all shade the terrain that turns wasteland

in order to grease their fiscal machines.


When oil soaked so many soils

it fueled a monster to control our lives,

eagerly devouring resources,

happily spewing out pollution as its exhale.


But how do you kill this economic Frankenstein

without creating cataclysms to so many lives

who live in that shadow and depend upon it for survival.


Though the rain forest wilt in its path

the oceans and rivers bear the stains of its toxins,

this behemoth is never easily tamed

because it has tentacles that hold countless sources.


Can somehow there be a wisdom that strikes the soul

beckons to a new way that will bring change

through ways that give some balance to the transition.


Poetry and fervor vent the obvious truths,

yet they will not dent an armor wrapped in gold.

Perhaps before the world sighs its last breath of fresh air,

before the ecological system is completely ruined

and prior to the time this global is draped in a new ice age

we can act contrary to our history,

act out of prevention

instead of threats to survival.


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