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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: The Flour Of The Heart

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Flour Of The Heart

What shifts in the fine, delicate ingredients

found within any given heart

is the flour ground by each fresh experience

sometimes its gets granny and hard to use

if tainted by something that truly frightened,

others it can be so very flaky and fluffy

in the texture felt

should love’s water be added to the mix.


When that throbbing sack inside

is opened with gentle hands

and each ounce encourage and cared about,

just seeing good in its essence

then the get made into a loaf

so frail in its serving

that any sounds of criticism

can cause it to end up flat.


But to the baker

who always uses inspiration’s oven

for a creation that is truly rich and colorful

with a flavor lasting and satisfying

each person is a raw dough in worth

capable of becoming an incredible pastries

which will be a meal to fill another’s hunger

because it was made in compassion’s bowl.



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