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Friday, January 01, 2010

The Song Of Souls

Blends of breath and light bring an ageless spiritual serenade

before the Lord’s eternal throne of grace,

summoned from the depths of the heart deepest groans

where wings of faith fly by praiseful hymnal glide

upon His Holy Spirit’s stunning zephyr wind.

Until the body fades into His loving arms

and the soul flows in such soft, sincere petition

of rich, euphoric song in pure gratitude,

slowly stripping away any veils of deception.


Within that nakedness Heaven’s truth

clothes as a honeyed radiant raiment of forgiveness,

lowly does the consciousness surrenders

unto the beautiful bliss of an awe soaked oneness.


How tranquil is the freeing soar

far from the clutching talons of sin’s tyranny,

while salvation showers upon that melodious chanted voice

a rapturous rhapsody that submerses in waves of tranquility.


Self fades into the infused ethereal mist of everlasting mercy,

gently rising in His hands as a redeemed creation

lost is the sight that only sees they lairs of mortality

for a vision that peers upon immortality’s mural.


For one the sound of one’s heart beat

is overpowered by the still small voice of inner clarity

whispered by God’s guiding flame of wisdom.


It guides to His mirror to see the reflection He sees

utterly overwhelmed by the shockwave in discovery.

Life is lead upon a different path

no longer ruled by the powers the polluted with darkness,

joy floods the mind and flesh

from finally being able to stroll the paths before one’s day

not with a need to boast or brag of each steps

inside filled with the sounds of celebrate

over the blessings He gives

regardless of where the path leads.


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