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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: Orbits Of Cacophony

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Orbits Of Cacophony

Within the cosmos of mind and soul

orbits the two worlds that tug at life

the ethereal sphere of divine light

and the cerulean orb from self’s flame.


They each pull at the heart

with their swaying lure of reality,

inside is felt the cacophony

from clash between the divine voice,

which sings the sounds of truth

and the song of the will that demands

to only hear its own notes.


How inward the struggle grows

when not respecting both realms,

left in chaos of inner conflict,

always torn in two directions.


Time spent listening to so many

astronomers of sermons and philosophy,

but it doesn’t in the clamor within,

that conflict over which,

planetoid will be occupied

as the earth of one’s life.


Harmony comes unto the torment

by regularly traveling between the realms,

willingly spending time respecting

how one can’t truly breathe

an oxygen of peace

unless it is the blend

of both eternal with mortal skies.


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