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Friday, September 18, 2009

One Wisp

One wisp of thought

carefully placed upon my mind

by a wind of whimsy,

brought a vision’s

before my soul in stirring awakening.


It happened in a heartbeat,

some unexpected twirl within my head,

images coming of faces and shapes,

all beads of creation

who waited to be strung together

as a necklace of literary jewelry

to form the essence of a novel.


And there it began

from the desperate groping within

for answers to the plagues of injustices,

which bore a pain upon my thoughts.


Suddenly inside the quill flutter

though I never knew its feel before,

but in all the confusion and newness

slowly the spirit of God touched

with clarity and meaning,

inside me the cloud singer arose,

one voice other than my own,

what dwelled in the sounds I heard

become words having their own life.


Thus I moved by that subtle nudge,

my fingers finding lines

like trails traveled for the first time,

every sunrise to bring its own new truths,

each night unveiling other mysteries.


Through it all an energy flows

that has its own mind,

so it surges when it wants,

while I ride its currents  across the pages

never sure where they will lead,

only knowing I’m more a passenger

than a pilot on that journey.


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