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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Surprise Me

Give me a day not dipped in clichés

where wisdom is borrowed from sitcom sages,

and legislatures don’t plagiarize their recycled speeches

from the book of legalese and oxymorons solutions

for fabricating injustice as progress.


Bring me an hour without enigma winds

able to blow through the concrete of minds,

I want the media sages speaking truths

not whitewashed or covered in rainbows mirages.


Tell me a tomorrow not carrying a hint of tears

where no hand raises to stop the predictable

so humanity’s tale is redundant epic of cruelty.


Grant me hope not stripped by lies,

show me love is more than seductive nuances,

let the earth spin on axis of harmony

instead of this tilt a world reality.


Reveal the postcards of the soul,

which reflect the angels that sleep inside,

not leaving them in a Sunday pew scrapbook,

never opened for fear they will fade away.


Grace me with the balm of brotherhood

unstained by politics and selfish grasp,

just once open the sky to a light

that does guide to a falling star.


Mostly bless each of our crippled lives

until we can see more upon the ground

than the litter from the toys of the rich.


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