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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: Steps At Glastonbury

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Steps At Glastonbury

When the Lord walked the earth

His life was preserved in the gospels,

yet some years of His life are kept in shadows

from the time he was around 12

to the approximate age of 30.


After the church preached His resurrection

and spread its message of salvation

so many tried to come up with their own interpretations

of His life and purpose.


There soon were created twelve different ospels

many were inventions to try and explain

how He could be other than who He claimed,

Son of God and our Lord and Savior.


In order to preserve the truth of apostle’s testimonies

eventually the church only accept gospels

whose authors they knew were authentic.


But in the wake of their efforts

a plethora of traditions arose

about those 18 years and what he might have done,

there were stories of his visiting India

even the South Americas,

yet they often try to make our Lord

into someone other than the Divine Son Of God.


One legend that for believers has a possible inspiration

is that He visited Glastonbury, England,

when in the company of His great Uncle,

Joseph of Arimathea who was a rich and powerful merchant

who had a fleet of ships.


And later after the resurrection

Joseph supposedly returned to teach the truth to them.

While it might not be something all can prove,

how it truly does reveal the extent of God’s love

for reaching out to so many.


In the end, we all must still ask

who Jesus is to us,

if he be Lord and Savior

then the rest just helps

become the joy of knowing

the degree the Lord went

to be sure His word was heard.


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