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Saturday, September 26, 2009


The little gods I sat by my bed

to ward off evil and keep me safe,

only they never answered my prayers

and the demons came anyway,

just to give me new idols

so I could hold them harder

when the first ones got so worn

by the clutches of midnight.


A fire I chanted with that grasp

some flame to torch my terror

then burn away the pain,

only every morning I didn’t feel

any new life or freedom

from that things that strangled

after darkness.


Those cold, metal objects

felt so dead in my hands,

lost the joy of their mystical spell,

tossed them aside out of boredom,

before pawning them for some magic beans.

Oh they were a fantasy

how I knew they would never work,

yet planting them gave me a chance

for celebrating with friends,

found salvation in the socialization

missed while spending all my time

alone with those silly deities. 


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