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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: The Songs Of Lights

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Songs Of Lights

Particles the eyes can never see

dance to the music of physical laws,

they move and interact

with cause and effect,

a microcosm of spiritual metaphor

of how God put into place,

His sovereign presence

along with the energy of choice.


It broadens in the illumined psalm

where we are apart of the cycle

who obey the forces of light in our soul

either in harmony or chaos,

all part of the divine order

He created with His power.


To set particles in motion

so they interact on their own,

then too it its meaning

was His word crafted

how it conveys the nature of life.


Matter composed of many parts

as we are countless portions within,

truly more than flesh and bone.


That our behavior carries consequences,

which impact the world and others

and how He gave us directions in verse


about love and faith

as a law of behavior

always having a quantum message

about the power of our actions.



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