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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Yo Yo’s


In the fields blossoming with crystalline theorems

pausing to pick the petals of profound.

And look deep into the iridescent hues

of the prisms that ignite the mind,

shimmering in their intensity,

radiant in the illumined auras of understanding,

which explain the enigma mites

that crawl in their agitation

through the cerebral crannies.


A moment of pure tranquility

inspires the hope

this light will open the eyes

unto the cures for the heart’s emptiness.


Rising on its beam

lifted in the illusion

nirvana kisses are forever

before crashing when the bliss evaporates.


But the spirit can’t surrender to quitting

from what gives so much incredible joy

when aloft apart from the boggy morass

of the muck and mire in monotony.


Grasping for that next spherical fixation

because life without a dance and flight

above where one lives

is the tip toe on a tightrope in elusive peace

where falling off is a bungee cord

always pulling you back

for another reach at epiphany’s orbs.



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