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Monday, August 10, 2009



Worlds the eyes have viewed,

those landscapes of promise

always turning into postcards,

staring deep into the rainbows

and endless gullies of depression

where life gets trapped

by countless questions,

is this all there is?

Can’t there be road leading somewhere

not ending in tears and screams?


Colors of life brush over the mind

looking at them with eyelid’s closed,

trying to turn them into a dream,

a tale that resembles the ones remembered

before discovering there were no fairies

along with how people don’t sleep in those boxes

before they closed the lid.


Inward the sobs swirl within the heart’s echoes

over every thought that turned grief,

each day written at sunrise in happy endings,

which was consumed in some sense of feeling lost.


But continuing to probe for answers

among the voices of the soul,

refusing to let the fatigue over fleeting fantasies

prevent the mind from hoping

that somewhere in all the tears

there is a doorway unto a home

you were always meant to dwell.



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