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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: Of Cup and Bread

Monday, August 17, 2009

Of Cup and Bread


Oh most merciful Heavenly Father

I lift this soul sired hymn of oblation

for the ceaseless miracle of your love,

celebrated with endless gratitude

each time I visit the communion table of grace.


Where everyone can partake of its blessings

no matter how sin stained or unworthy,

knowing by faith we rise on salvation’s wings,

proclaiming with a heart psalm of thanksgiving

the precious gifts made available to every believer

through the sacrifice of your son, Jesus.


Grant my voice the harp of your Holy Spirit’s song

that I could forever resound my adoration

over the endless compassion you have freely given

unto every life that has had breath.


Cherishing the divine succor of your word

abounding at this sacred symbolic remembrance,

granting us forgiveness by the shedding of your son’s blood

with healing available through His broken body.


So each time we taste of the cup

we can joyfully trust to His redemptive work

and by eating of the bread

have a chance to claim your promise,

“by His stripes we are healed.”



May my mouth forever proclaim your glory,

grant my spirit strength to always

seek to bring you honor,

as I humble bring this prayer to You

in the name of your son, Jesus Christ.




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