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Sunday, December 14, 2008


Now why is it that things always end up cluttering one’s life? It is the curse I guess of life.

One can’t live without distractions. They will burden the day and thoughts so you can’t focus on what you think is important.

So you start out for example trying to have a devotional period. A time to just reflect on spiritual things.

But then things get in the way. A phone call, an emergency or any number of issues intrude.

They all can irritate and annoy and you wonder, if all I wanted to do is to praise the Lord and pray couldn’t He stop the chaos? Which is always an unanswered question.

The reality I think is that while in this life we can never ascend to heaven. We can wish for it, but it doesn’t change the facts.

No matter how much we crave living on the mountain top we have to also dwell in the valleys. And that means accepting it as fact.

God keeps us human in our faith. He will never remove us from that realm even when we want to.

Sanctuaries do come, but they rest stops and never permanent. All part I think of what is to help us see ourselves.

To discover the thing inside we need to change and accept. Not all of them are things, which will change.

That is the constant struggle. And it is the part that remains a fact we can’t escape. Just learn from.

For we truly only gain when we accept who we are. God will always guide us to that truth.

How we can so wallow in the land of illusion. Bear the false wings of denial as our piety and ignore the horns.

But inside still know the truth. And thus have the conflict in our souls. This always leads to lies.

The will keep us trapped in denials snare and it is never comfortable there. Just a prison we think is an amusement park.

Always riding a rollercoaster of feelings.


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