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Thursday, December 11, 2008


What great joy there is to find something you lost. That sense of relief, that totally happiness that comes from the moment.

But then we don’t always get our choice in such things. The are the times when things get lost and are never found.

Doesn’t stop the feelings though. Just makes us aware that we really do have a sadness of that missing item.

I was having a discussion with a friend on the issue of a loss of respect. This person felt other opinions didn’t matter.

That the Lord is all you need and as long as you have that, the rest doesn’t matter. I do agree that having the Lord is the cornerstone of faith and life.

But I don’t think we were expected to be monks. We have feelings and need to be able to encounter others.

Be able to interact, love and be loved. For in those moments we do reflect the Lord in our lives in a special way.

Yet, we also can’t be held hostage to opinions. To let our lives be driven by the need for approval.

Still esteem does have a purpose in our needs. We are far more happy when we have a good feeling about ourselves.

Which often doesn’t happen in life. We encounter so many who don’t embrace the need to encourage.

So the Lord I think often empowers and anoints. He finds the place where we live so it can be touched.

It might be different for everyone. The need to find the keys that will make our own life has balance.

And to that degree is can be hard to keep this focused by the nature of faith. That is where the key lies.

For it will be the joy when we release the parts of life we claim for ourselves in the process of trusting. Feeling the need will always be better if we give it to the Lord.

And that is the part that we will find such a great discovery. Providing we let Him truly bless.

So easy to avoid that.


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