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Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Life is so full of change. Sometimes it is more blessed that others. From our point of view.

But that is not to say it isn’t necessary or helpful. Just doesn’t always feel that way at times.

The Lord does know our hearts. And He so often is able to tell the things that are problems for us.

So He will make sure we face those challenges to learn. Do we always learn? I don’t think so.

I wish I could say that human nature was otherwise. But in truth we are always human. No matter how spiritual we think we are.

I’ve seen plenty who seem to think spirituality means not having the usual thoughts and desires of life. They would lump them all under sin.

I do smile at the times that people make such amazing claims. Such as never hating others or not sinning.

It is so hard for me to see how some can make such claims. But I do understand we all think differently.

So I will make allowances for those who are less subject too moods. I just don’t find that is the case for most people. Not if they are honest.

Perhaps the greatest change any of us can make is to see the truth in human nature. To not let ourselves be seduced into excuses.

I’ve seen the people who no matter how many times the Lord places them in a situation to change, they resist. They just can bring themselves to accept the truth.

To finally come to terms with the evolving state of one’s reality can be so hard. And then means starting over.

It means to look at the same thing with new eyes. To not let it dominate ones thinking or resist the Lord’s will.

Lots of people sure do find ways to justify that approach. Oh it is so popular. But it just doesn’t lead to growth.

And in the end we all find ourselves left to either embrace what God lays before us or find one more means to just not listen.

The whole time His wind never stops blowing.


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