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Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Body draped in brilliant white light,
no sense of pain to ache the thoughts,
feeling weightless,
floating as if a feather
by sheer command of will.

Suddenly feeling the inexorable power of pure divine love,
mind ceases to ask questions
because the answers come
with a knowing,
every secret and mystery revealed,
truth sings inside with a constant effulgence.

Surrounded by walls and edifices of translucent golden hues,
easily passing through them,
aware their purpose without being told.

Wandering in the throng of souls,
their stories and lives are intimately understood
though you’ve never met on earth.

Above the timeless sky is a tapestry of cosmic images,
planets and stars appear and disappear
each bringing their tales into one’s conscious.

Angelic beings are seen ascending and descending from above
as the array of heaven’s host in shimmering entities,
seraphim, cherubim and the countless other ethereal beings
each attends to their anointed charges

Ageless peace floods the spirit,
moving inexplicable towards the Lord’s throne,
utterly and happily immersed in His mesmerizing power,
washing away any memories of tears
along with the stains of sins.

Comes the moment of complete union
between creator and created,
at last discovering one’s purpose in eternity,
given clarity with euphoria,
possessed by an awakening one is truly at home
never having to fear leaving or it being left alone.


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