Now we are often find ourselves in the position were we have to see the future without all the facts. That doesn’t always happen when we want.
One of the realities of life is the uncertainty. It really does dog our thinking at times. Not always in a good way.
Not that we always enjoy it either. But life does take those turns. And in that regard we often find ourselves in the middle of doubts.
The Lord is merciful with our humanness. That is the nature of His grace. How wonderful it is.
How many times I have truly found myself in those places I wish I hadn’t been. To find those times when I wish life was otherwise.
But faith will prevail in such situations. Providing we can actually let it be the thing we actually desired.
Now that is the part that often gets lost. Really it does. For our heart can crave what is not really good for us.
Oh how often this happens. So very often it becomes the one thing that we excuses. And it can be so amazing the lies we will tell ourselves.
But then life must proceed at its own pace. And that can be very difficult to learn. Lately I’ve been struggling with that.
I have been on a certain quest. Not that it really is one that leads anywhere I would like, but I do try just the same.
And the Lord has allowed me to grapple with my quest. Hasn’t gone the way I expected, but I think I have learned.
So I am sitting back now and enjoying the reality in some ways. Just wish the desires had been more realistic.
Still I do give the Lord thanks for the mercy and His grace. Did I get what I want? Not really, but that is the part of the learning.
Now I move on and that is the part that really matters. Will it lead somewhere good? I’m sure in the Lord’s will yes.
In mine, well I can’t say. Just that I will keep on trusting and hoping. But tat is an area of faith that really counts.
Just hard to always embrace.
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