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Sunday, November 16, 2008


I’m always amazed how often the Lord has helped me to appreciate that we are often more capable than we expect. How we have more energy than we think.

And I can’t think of the times when I wanted to give up and just was able to hear the Lord’s Spirit telling me to not quit. It always give such joy when that happens.

So often in life it seems we limit ourselves to what we assume is possible. Yet, the Lord will take and give us situations to help us learn otherwise.

In the Old Testament there is a promise that says, “As thy day, so shall thy strength be.” I can’t think of the times that promise has popped into my head.

What is really important in that is how it means we are promise strength according to the need. And not according to our desires.

Strength in that sense being like a form of provision. God promises to meet our needs, not our wants.

Oh you have the name it and claim it types who say you can have your heaven on earth, but that isn’t the experience intended. When life is in His hands, faith is the issue.

If He gave us abundance to the point we didn’t need anything else then it would impact our need to trust. So giving us enough is part of that process.

So with strength it is often tailor to the need of the day. If we are facing major challenge He will give us more power to cope.

Only that doesn’t mean we will be aware of it. Because strength doesn’t mean He takes away our pains.

He can give us the capacity to do more, but doesn’t mean it will stop us from feeling all the normal problems.

If we focus on the real purpose it does help. Remembering the point is to be responsive to what challenge we experience.

I’ve tried to be grateful for the times of trial and exhaustion and also the good times too. Not letting the fact it is difficult means a person gives up.

So that is the joy that must be seen in proper light. To rejoice over the way it does touch us with light.

To that degree it is what we must see with some degree of joy. And if we can do that, then we can have reason to celebrate.

Even if we do it with arms fatigued.


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