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Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Nothing to me is more annoying than to have a dream turn into a nightmare. Got to hate those times.

And they can never be planned for or noticed until they are too late. It is sort of like a birthday present you think is a toy and it ends up socks.

The disappointment really digs at the heart. But then the big chore is to not let it ruin your day.

Hope can be crushed so easy. It can be erected so quickly too. But if it crumbles it can be devastating.

I don’t think that no matter who hard I try I will ever enjoy or appreciate the times when life takes a detour. That you are so close to some dream and it fizzles.

Why is the question that so often stabs in those moments. You just take time to be sure that all is going in a given direction and then it fails.

Now if a person has prayed over the pending situation and thought you know the Lord’s will, but if goes wrong, it can really sting. It leads to all kinds of questions.

But that is part of faith. The aspect where we have to truly be prepared to head in one direction and it gets changed.

Those are the times you really have to be able to remain more focused on what is important. Was it our dream or God’s will?

So easy to miss out on that part. And to not appreciate how the situation can also be intended as a lesson.

It can be the main purpose. A time to truly reflect and appreciate what is the path we are suppose to follow.

All of which might be painful at times. Because if our desires get in the way we can truly find it less than satisfying.

So there is where we have to stop and reflect. To let God’s light touch with the truth. It can be a blessing.

Even if at the time it appears to be so much more meaningful. That will be the challenge we all face.

Some times for the better others for the worse. But we still have to try and cherish when it all becomes clear.

It is the time of blessing even if at the moment it seems otherwise.


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