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Thursday, July 10, 2008


Transoms in the mind seeing universes imagined. Places to hide where the night is magical and charmed.

But then we know it isn't reality. Mainly a place to visit when we need to escape. Neer meant as our home.

I always marvel at the ways one can slip out of the facts and into a fantasy. As if they will be truth.

Still it happens and far too often. Just a passage some make in life that they think will bring some happiness.

I can recall back in the sixties during the hippie culture how they had all these wonderful loving sayings. It all sounded impressive.

Only it didn't seem to in any way translate into what one did in terms of real love or joy. Just sounded great.

Words are wonderful ways of conveying feelings. Yet without sincerity they don't mean much.

If they are all flowery, yet hollow of meaning then it has no real value. Just becomes more air you inhale that doesn't mean anything.

An those kinds of mirages just never end up satisfying. Sort of like with a politicians speech.

Some can be so filled with hope. And visions for the future. But if they do not end in some constructive evidence of their meaning, they are just get so thrilled with their own words.

Sadly the sight of vision is never as clear when it is covered in some kind of shaded bias. And it so darkens the intended image.

There is an absence of truth and insight. A view with stained eyes of sin that tries to se oneself as having pure sight.

And along the way what truly is sacrificed is the message from the Lord. The transom intended loses its value.

Then it becomes a shielded and tragedy image. Unable to bless, unable to minister, just a gaze the never truly benefits.

Except perhaps to the person who doesn't care and is satisfied in their blindness where only darkness resides.


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