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Monday, July 07, 2008


There is admittedly a certain finality to the word ever. As in it will be the concept that when this happens it is for always.

In life there are many situations that carry consequences. Some are lasting others are temporary.

But they all do mean something will take place that will affect one's life. And that is a reality.

Still it doesn't mean that we will enjoy the option. But we know it is part of life and something we must endure.

So deep down we tolerate it. And that is what we have to accept in life, though we don't necessarily feel good about it.

However the mind still dreams. And we hope for the miracles of our sleep. Those will always bless in smiles.

But they will not change life. And they will not give us the blessings we crave when they only exist in our minds.

For some they manage to not dwell on this. Or they take time to focus on their fantasies and try to make them real.

What happens is that for some who prefer the path of self reliance to the path of faith the will look for short cuts in life that will obtain their desire. The walk along God's path doesn't always bless in ways we want.

It does take us on a journey according to His will, just not according to our will. And some can't handle the lack of control. So they resort to findings other means they decide will give them a short cut.

So special edge in life over others. Unfortunately no matter how much we plan and plot God is still in control.

And that means He can alter or change our situation in a heart beat. No matter how much we think it should be otherwise.

I smile at those who try to achieve some edge in life by their own strength. And how often it fails.

They just get thwarted in their arrogance of thinking they can be god of their lives. As for me, well I just keep trusting to the Lord.

And that is enough edge for me, just knowing the Lord in His wisdom always wins.


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