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Tuesday, July 01, 2008


In God's hands He holds the universe
with a father's tender loving care,
having spoken life into creation,
and watching over it with such compassion.

Eternal palms that endure with longsuffering mercy,
always blessing with the labor of His wisdom
only wanting to help us see
His fingerprints upon time and our world.

By divine wisdom does He teach,
letting His spirit come as a wind,
already having sent His son
so we would know the depth of His forgiveness.

Faith is what Jesus brought as hope
that in His sacrifice on the cross
we could trust and claim the promise of salvation.

Oh sing, sin stained soul in joy about the Lord's deliverance,
rejoice that He showers us with the gift of grace,
which doesn't require us to be perfect to gain His approval,
for it is a free and undeserved.

Standing before Him as mortals,
blemished sheep of spiritual blindness,
whose eyes He opens by His righteous light,
making it possible for us to see Heaven as reality
as well as how it dwells in others,
until we would reach out with our own tattered vestments of life
just to show another where the real tailor of redemption dwells.

Able to sleep in the cradle of His fingers
knowing a peace that never comes
by running away from the truth He shines.


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