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Friday, July 04, 2008


How amazing it is what is in the eyes of one weird and in the view of another totally normal. We all have our own perceptions and what to us makes sense.

Which is totally understandable. Still it doesn't keep some from looking at others and deciding their view is not acceptable.

So we have a society full of unwritten rules in conformity. They aren't written down anywhere, but you always know when you have violated them.

And there is a definite pressure upon us, subtle as it is applied to be sure we obey them even if we don't always agree with their tenets.

Now in terms of behavior related to relationships and adherence to what gains approval, one can be fairly sure there is not a lot of room for individuality in that realm. It is an arena of clay where we are expected to be molded like some cookie cutter clone.

Any variation naturally brings consequences. But at the same time we do privately admire the rebel.

We just aren't as inclined to join that person's ranks if it means we pay a price in some way within our own world of contacts. Being apart of the pack always is an engrained aspect of existence.

What is subdued is the possible facets of the spirit, those ways that God marks our being in some special and unique way. And since it comes from the Lord it will be an expression with a heavenly element.

This isn't the same as some idiosyncrasy. It isn't a quirky aspect of our being. What it is as to do with who were are at the very core.

The part of us that is meant to be with the Lord and cries out from our inner most darkness to be heard and revealed. But because it is strange by some peoples view we often hide from its reality.

Which is what God will often nudge in our spirits at the right timing. This happens most when we are listening to His Spirit.

And that ends up with leading us in directions that yields a chance for this form of expression to breath. Which in the end can be a voice for the Lord that touches in ways we might never imagine.

How often this single burst of breath from within brings a wind with light from the Lord. It grants us a chance to shine illumination without even knowing it.

We become blessed as givers from the Lord and peace is our reward.


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