Provision is an interesting part of life What is doesn't always mean is by our standards. There are some who think they are poor if they have a six figure savings account.
While there are others who live without homes or other things we think we can live without and feel they have an abundant life. Though I didn't say they all felt that way.
Basically, if God went by our definition on the size of our need, well it would be very interesting what would happen. We would see a work far different than present no doubt.
But despite the prosperity teachers and all the talk about abundant life, the reality is for many that life still plods along from paycheck to paycheck. And so often it stays that way no matter how people try to define it otherwise.
So the question becomes and the hard one to ask is can we really embrace life is what we have is all we will ever have. Meaning it is as God has set the standard.
Not that we are willing to accept it. Nope the nature of just a little more always digs at our minds.
Whatever level we achieve, more still lures as a provocative creature. The size enough of our dreams.
But not of our needs. So we crave and pray and ponder tomorrow. All without consulting the Lord.
Oh we may even shop around for a church where they will say what we want to hear just to be sure we can say it is the Lord's will. Never mind that He said no already in other occasions.
That s the tough part. Oh how the mind can focus itself on seeing anything we want as the Lord's will. It really is one of those little rationalization dialogues that works great.
Right up to the point that nothing happens that we expect. Then comes more excuses. It was a fluke.
Or some other reason except for the obvious. That God said no. We never like that answer, even if it is the truth.
But that is okay, providing somewhere along the line we figure it out and understand our mistake. Then it becomes a learning process.
All the glitter imagined, al the tales told, never bring us the gold we crave just because we say God said it was so.
A little passing thought to hopefully take along the way.
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