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Monday, July 14, 2008


How the sharing of thoughts, feelings and experiences can be so comforting during a heart felt exchange. A time of communion and encouragement.

But if it becomes one sided, only allowing for a single point of view, then it no longer is quite as rewarding. Not for the person who is forced to just listen.

There is never a shortage in life of people who consider themselves experts. They will be glad to share their opinion even if you don't ask.

Now there is always the need for mentors in life. Those with a talent for teaching and insight.

But not everyone who aspires to be a teacher is necessarily called to that office. Doesn't prevent some for trying to teach just the same.

In spiritual circles of fellowship, the role of the leader can be muddled a by the fact that pastors may not always be more knowledgeable on scriptures than some of his or her congregation. I person who has spent most of his life studying and learning might be expected to have more knowledge than a pastor just starting out at his or her first church.

But that doesn't translate into the more studied person being anointed as a pastor. Which can be easy for some to forget.

It is so easy to let the ego get in the way. To become so confident in your knowledge you think you are justified in tell a pastor how to minister.

I find myself in a precarious situation at times. I am gifted with knowledge and insight, know I am not called as a pastor.

However it is hard at times when I deal with some who are. It is never my desire to interfere in what they do, but rather support.

That doesn't always earn me gratitude. Sometimes that kind of support isn't appreciate. When that happens, I just try to be respectful and move on.

But what I do cherish are those rare times when I encounter those who truly do have a spirit of tolerance. Who embrace God's love and seek to encourage.

Wish they weren't so rare. But that is a reality. For perfection is not what is true of any f us.

It is a joy when two souls find that kind of harmony. The ability to agree, even if there are differences.

Alas the sadness born knowing this is rare rather than plentiful.


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