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Sunday, July 20, 2008


Passages of life so often are connected in many ways. We move from one chapter of experience to the next without always thinking of all that happen.

Now sometimes the real frustration comes when we think we have finished one type of path and then end up repeating it. Like having to repeat the same class in school.

Now if that path was filled with thorns it can be even worse. We don't exactly find ourselves grateful.

In fact we might even feel like complaining. But then won't change the journey or our destination.

How hard it is to accept at times that some lessons in life have to be learned frequently. And to then take them over in a different way to the truth not really accepted the first time really stings our memory.

Perhaps in reflection we see the Lord's wisdom. Still it doesn't always mean gratitude for the experience.

That is particularly true if the experience is dealing with our will. That aspect of human nature that expects to be in control.

Oh the language of why those prayers can have. A long dialogue of questions asked with a dash of tone in unfairness.

Pity that more of these moments didn't involve blessings. I wouldn't complain about repeating a blessing.

But in the path of faith so man times that is not the case. Oh some teach that, but it often isn't the reality.

The whole point being to walk with the Lord's help means to be willing to follow him wherever the path might lead. And even when it means a journey to places already traveled.

Moments for the soul where we roam on the winds of God's grace. And the current is one we will never control.

So that is a matter of celebration. If we remain focused on truth and faith instead of wanting to write our own directions.

A lesson that we will never stop experience until we learn to trust only to God's road map. That can take a life time for some.

Others never learn until reaching eternity.


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