Well this is not as easy as it might seem. Being able to truly discern when a spiritual voice is speaking for God and when it isn't.
It might seem obvious, but not as apparent as some think. For it requires the ability to look beyond the glitz and pious facade that surrounds some spiritual person to see the message shared.
Large crowds in a house o worship are not guarantees God is the author of the gathering. Neither is having a small church either.
When we fix our minds on seeing only the outward and not truly hearing what come from within. All the trappings seduce, but what is doesn't mean is that they are shining with a true light.
By that I mean if what is being said doesn't give the glory to God, doesn't lift up the name of Jesus and in any way contradicts scriptures then it doesn't come from the Lord. You can have a host dressed in white robes and singing praises, but if it only draws attention to the self, then God is not really being honored.
So when this happens, it is hard to look pass on that impresses the senses. And oh my how such people love to look so righteous.
As for love, well they are so good about talking as if they are loving. Just can lose a lot in the translation.
It is sad when God's image is tarnished in the process. So many that just come away with other than a sense of his real presence.
Which is not something that ends in drawing one closer to the Lord. What will happen is one's perceptions will get slanted.
And in the process some ended up wounded. God is seen other than loving and people find their faith shattered.
Meanwhile, the Lord is not remembered in a positive way. And people turn their back on the only real love that can endure spiritual levels.
For those who survive and those who don't, God is still a god of love and forgiveness. He will tarry with broken hears.
In another time when the tears have dried, He will be there to touch in a way that only he can touch.
And then the life can live again with the joy of discovering the Lord one never truly knew in the midst of all the lies.
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