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Friday, January 25, 2008


The haste of life that makes it all the more difficult to live. For we get stuck in a race to some destination, and in the process lose an appreciation for the journey.

The end becomes our only focus and not what happens before we get there. Not that the end doesn't matter, it is just that without remember this day and its priorities we can lose out on what it offers.

I'm currently faced with a change coming in my life. Not tomorrow, or even next month, but one that I know is coming.

And even though it is going to be a blessing over my present life, it still is not going to happen today. And I have to admit that for a while, I forgot that.

In the middle of my misery and longing for a change, I wasn't doing all I was supposed to do about the now. That only made the present worse.

The other the Lord manage to get my attention on this reality. To helped me be aware the being faithful also meant focusing on each day's needs.

I have to admit that I did appreciate that nudge. It brought my life and back into focus better.

That doesn't mean that I have given up on the coming change. Just know how important it is for me to keep clear in my head what I must do for the now.

When will the change come? I can say for sure. Only that it is coming. And that part I have no doubts about.

But that is okay. For at times I accept how that is important with life. Waiting, which has never been one of my stronger talents, but I have learned to try and adjust at times.

Admittedly some are far better at it than me. And I keep trying to improve. But I am grateful that God has helped me to understand how there are times when waiting is a test of our lives.

We might not enjoy the process. But sometimes it is part of the trial of faith. And it can truly be critical too.

For often if we don't learn what we are suppose to know in one situation, God won't let us move on in our lives. So we end up stuck

Now if we end up being stubborn and not obeying as he would lead, we can keep repeating the same problems. Not that we will necessarily be happy about it, but it will bear down upon us until we listen. Sometimes we just always seem to have a need to stay after class in terms of the Lord's lessons.


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