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Wednesday, January 02, 2008


This is a wonderful word that conjures such great images. As if one is walking on a mountain top and enjoying the view.

But that is the simple meaning. One the eyes naturally see. It doesn't require much conversation to understand.

What is truly as breathtaking is the inner splendor created by God that we can only see with spiritual eyes. That is the part, which is often ignored.

And it is because we can't always see it the same, the splendor doesn't get appreciated as easy. Which often impedes our vision.

For our eyes are focused on this life and its possessions. And when this becomes our obsession our real eyes get blurred in the process.

Which is not the way that leads to truth. It just confuses and fails to enhance life. That is something that does not ever result in good options.

Only we don't often accept this reality. Because after all this was just another episode of where we went deaf towards the voice of God.

How often we do this without even thinking about it. The words just flow out of our head and we never remember or pay attention to what they are saying.

I think it does make the Lord said as we might feel as parents when our kids misbehave. That happens so often. So often with all of us, but he is merciful out of love.

We are blessed at times despite this shortcoming. Which is another facet of his grace that gets lost along the way.

I don't say this happens because just are heartless or indifferent. More often I think it is because we are deaf in our distraction.

And so out of the habit of seeking God first in such situations that we simply don't think of that as our first choice.

In the process we miss out on the splendor of hearts. A chance to truly savor a landscape not on any map.

For that reason we end up needing these moments. Chance to reclaim what should have been part of life always.

But that does require the God's spirit and most of the time we just don't listen. View lost in the fog of our own thoughts. Not reclaimed until those occasions when something happens to force our eyes open.


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