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Sunday, December 30, 2007


We all have those vestments of thoughts that dress our day. The little detours where we visit when life gets too hectic or troublesome.

However, the journey is to be fantasy. Hopefully we can recall that part. Enough to keep in focus that is not our passage for the always.

I was talking to a friend of mine once and he defined thoughts you had that were sinful as dead thoughts. Essentially I'm speaking of the kind that relate to thinking of hate or some evil.

Thinking about it still qualifies as a sin. For the Lord spoke of how if you hated in your heart you were guilty of murder.

Now it doesn't mean you went out and actually hurt another person. But we do think about it.

There is still a difference between acting on some impulse and simple thinking about it. Mainly in terms of the consequences.

But there is no point in lying about it. Such as the person I remember who talked about never having hated anyone.

I did have trouble accepting that comment. Just seems a little over the top in terms of honesty.

It just doesn't do any good if you lie about what is in your heart. You might do so in terms of impressing some.

But God knows the truth. And that is what matters. For what he sees is what is truly inside.

If we are able to accept that then we can face the truth. No matter how loving and caring we claim to be.

It does help when seeing ourselves if we can take time to be honest. That cuts down on the times when we end up thinking we are basically good.

How easy it is to fall into that trap. Suddenly to strip away the truth about our true nature and just decide we are perfect.

That can be so devastating if we get seduced into spiritual pride. So that will not improve our lives or souls.

Perhaps some day when the mind is right, then there will be no need for tales instead of the truth.


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