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Friday, December 21, 2007


The journey between now and tomorrow can take so long in one's thoughts. At least in cases when we are searching for answers and trying to bridge one day with the next.

Then we cherish the memories and long for more. A chance to savor what should be in ways that touches.

It all comes and goes in our reality without words. Just the silence of reflection that leaves us wondering about times.

If no more comes into our thoughts, then we know what is pressing most for our thoughts. A need a a thought and it all comes to fruition in our thinking.

But where is God in the process? Do we account for his word or his will our calculations of our heart?

It is nice to imagine and wonderful when it happens, but if it doesn't not happen in our spirit through the strokes of faiths thoughts then it doesn't work as needed. Just becoming another consuming set of questions for which there is no answers, which bless.

And so we find ourselves in the corridor of wondering. Traveling it along the paths that are not always clear and to destinations we can truly define.

In the confusion we sing the song to ourselves of praying we can find the direction that truly blesses. Only that doesn't always happen.

And if we don't seek god in the process then it only makes things worse. For he will let us wallow in the places where there isn't light.

That will be for an intended lesson. But it doesn't mean we will listen. Often we don't. Instead we find our traces to believe in.

Thinking them a joy. And we settle for their comfort even if it doesn't truly bless in the long run.

Such is the sadness of our choices when God is not truly our guide. We just live in the torment of our disobedience.

Which is a wasteland having little joy. We can enter a desert regardless of the circumstance or obedience.

But it takes command of our thoughts if what we crave gives us no peace and what we love only leaves us feeling hollow.

Answers come in God's wind. Inhale if we dare to look and know we have gone too far by our own strength.


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