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Thursday, December 20, 2007


The joys of times we find ourselves in places or circumstances full of storms and doubts. We battle the elements that challenge and so clamor for relief.

When it happens we are thrilled and hopefully grateful. Now the big problems is when the whispers come.

The ones that ask, "when will this problem return?" Such anxiety it can create. A really problem in our lives that will not go away if we focus on it too long.

And the more devastating the crisis the more it scars our memories. To the degree it can truly rob us of our peace.

This gets even worse if God is not involved. It is always so hard on the mind when we have no means of protection beyond our own abilities.

I have so often seen the times when the mind of those without faith approach life in terms of trying to solve problems with the idea we can always fix all our own problems. It doesn't always work out to our best interest.

What is even more amazing is when somebody is focused as a Christian in only seeing resolutions in practical levels. Not that these are all bad. One does have to pay the bills.

And that makes things a matter of appreciating there are times when we do need do other than pray for answers. God's spirit does bless with such times if we are truly trusting him and will give us light to follow.

But he also expects us to do other than be spiritual. How easy it is to define a situation in the way that is the easiest to deal with even it isn't the correct choice.

Such as always looking for others to solve your problems. I remember speaking to my one theology professor and he as talking about how many time those studying for the ministry had problems in their marriages.

Most common problem is that the husband spent all his time and church and didn't take care of problems at home. From the man's perspective he was growing in the Lord, from the wife's view, she felt neglected.

How easy this becomes the way of our behavior if we are seeking to escape life. It isn't for me to say who was right, merely pointing out that we are all human and make mistakes.

That includes being wrong even when we serve god. Will return follows the path in those situations too.

It comes when we don't listen, which we all do from time to time.


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