How easily we make promises and never keep them. It isn't that people always are so fickle, but they just have more desire than reality at times.
This is part of what is hard for me personally. I don't like to make vows that I don't intend to keep.
Just really bothers me when people say they will do something then don't even remember making such a promise. Which really annoys me.
But this is just a case of personal preference and trying not to apply my values to somebody else. Plus understand that not everyone has that same priority.
I can't think of the number of people I have known who have in their name the moods where they truly want to do things different. If you talk to them at a given time they will be so full of energy and positive.
And if they actually did follow through with their plans it would be great. But somewhere between the passion of the moment and the reality of actually following through, the desire evaporates.
I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that in our fantasies when we imagine doing something all we visualize is perfect. But when we go to try and do it in person, well the things like exhaustion and pain enter in.
Such is the nature of life. Our basic need to stir the fires of passion from time to time without actually getting burnt.
And on the human level that is just an aspect of our own behavior. When it involves our choices in terms of what we do with God, then it takes on a different nature.
For God is longsuffering, but I don't think it ever impresses when we make vows we don't keep. That just leaves its scar on our soul.
It is so much better to take the time to do it right. To be able to reach out in faith, but actually reach out.
Saying you trust God with your lips, but not with your hands is not a way to improve the relationship one has with the lord. And it will also intrude upon what God does in terms of your calling.
Those who always say one thing and do another will never truly find themselves being called upon by the Lord in a way that is critical to his will. But some never truly understand this. So they just end up walking in circles and asking the question of why God never sends them to serve him. Which becomes a case of another less than sterling time of spirituality.
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