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Monday, November 19, 2007


Inward gazes are so beneficial when you see more than shadows. When you see more than just a reflection of your own thoughts without the joy of any light.

God helps us with such reflections. Providing we are willing to look with honest eyes. Not everyone embraces that choice.

Satan definitely will help to keep us blind. And no matter how intense the gaze, if you are truly looking for the truth you will find other than what you should be seeing.

There is more to such sight that seeing what you missed before. One can easily get caught up in discovering something profound without understanding it isn't all there is to see.

It is like when we discover a little slice of truth and think we know everything. That can happen so much with Christianity.

How easy it is to start out and learn some fundamental truths and decide you have all the truth there is to know. Which then results in the person simplifying life to the point that they try to make everything as black and white.

Does it work? Well for a while. You can shelter yourself from reality and only see what you want.

Then invent lots of great excuses to make it seem like it works. That can be so easy and seductive, but it never leads to real truth.

Just a prideful form of ignorance. Which never brings about a closer relationship with the Lord.

However, people do this so often. And not necessarily how of decent motives. Pride can get in the way.

All is part of learning. And the inward gaze really can be a blessing when it isn't corrupted by distractions.

Such is the nature of life. A chance to be blessed when we do things God's way. If we don't we end up merely finding another door of misunderstanding to pass and we don't do it very well.

It is part of learning and if we do it right, we come through better off and clear on our spiritual sight. Such is the nature of growing in the Lord.

To bad some of us take longer than others to reach the same point. And that is the journey where even if you stumble you do benefit in the process once you see God hand helping along the way.


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