When the winds of trial blow to fierce then we often truly have more reason to crave for something to quiet the chaos. It isn't always easy and we don't always find the perfect solution, but we till truly cherish when it happens to our favor.
I have known so many people who have never found any peace. You can see it in their eyes, that haunting sense of inner to turmoil and anguish that never flees.
Through it all the heart remembers. Sometimes with joy, other with tears, but it still remembers.
Where does peace truly come in such situations? Can we unearth the grave where we buried our smiles?
For some this is a much more difficult task than others. It is the journey that requires one to move past the need for only seeing the emptiness.
What contributes to the oasis we find? Is that a location where it will thrive the most? Only each soul can answer that question.
For me peace comes through creativity. The times I let God's spirit flow through me in thoughts that take me out of my tempest notions.
It is a fragile climate, one easily shredded by the smallest incidents. And people can often be the host for more aggravation.
This is all part of the awareness one is challenged to embrace. And it truly only endures with God's help.
For through his leading we can rise above any clamor. Knowing how in this life it doesn't happen constantly.
Which makes being grateful for the times it work all the better. And that is what makes the peace even more valuable.
I've touched this plain of quiet at times, but never as intensely as when I left it in God's hands. For he guides as his truly satisfying in ways that we all can find some hope.
Will it happen the same for everyone? Not at all. What glows as tranquil in one life will not dent the need of another.
But being open to listening will truly make the difference. And that is the key. Spend more time in listening to God than doing all the talking.
Funny how fast we learn when we stop trying to impress with our own tongues. A simple lesson that can last forever.
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