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Sunday, November 25, 2007



How this can be on the human heart. To be under the heavy burden of feeling so depressed with the feeling thing will never get better.

What is hard at times is coping with people who think it is sin to be sad. I never felt there was anything wrong with being honest with one's feelings.

I do feel there is a sadness in dishonesty or denial. Those never bring a joy in the long run. And God is never honored in the process.

So we can stand on the threshold of our reality and devour the sunrise with our eyes close so as to not be blinded by the truth. That is the option some prefer.

Somewhere one needs a balance. And that is hard at times to find. Which doesn't mean we should try to stop looking.

I have seen this too many times. There are some who simply use any reason to be unhappy.

You can talked to them after they win the lottery and they will be complaining about something. There is a difference between grief, real grief and always seeing the down side of life.

Which never truly helps anything How can one rise above the storm of sadness if one never comes inside?

You can stand in the rain all day and complain about it, but it will not improve life. Nor will you feel better about it.

I have found myself staying in the valley at times. You can always find those to keep you there.

You may even learn to enjoy the misery. And if it draws attention to yourself even more so.

But that will never bring any balance. Just a lop side view of life that never helps one mature.

God is not the author of such views. His spirit doesn't inspire us to stay in such sad states of mind.

It does not help nor guarantee change. But at least if we listen we will learn and find the times when we should have reason to smile.

That is the blessing which move us beyond a sigh and a frown and makes life more chersihed.


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