There is a place in the scriptures that speaks of how everything in life has a time. Meaning that no life is composed of a single type of experience.
This is so true for all of us. Just that it isn't something we enjoy. We all would prefer to have the freedom to keep life predictable and under control.
And no matter how many times it doesn't happen, we still get into the mindset of thinking somehow that we can keep it any way we desire. Plus the fact that the delusion that we can prevent any problems if we just are obedient to God's will.
That is another of those wonderful myths that would be wonderful if it was true. However it never is.
It doesn't keep some from thinking it is true. But then when the scriptures mention about there being seasons to life it doesn't say, with the exception of a given person.
So at least in the revealed word of God, we are not spared reality. God doesn't wave a magic wand over the life's of certain people and make them exempt of demands facing everyone else.
Perhaps that is part of what makes heaven so appealing. For time really doesn't apply to eternity. A definite blessing.
Meanwhile, Christian or no, life is going to offer us a variety of seconds. Some good, some not so good.
And the real challenge is to embrace them all. Not just the ones we want, but each one regardless of the issue it presents.
Can we truly find God in the down times as well as the good ones? Are we prepared to follow the Lord if it takes us into the shadows?
Some will always decide life can only be lived in following the Lord if it is perfect. That never happens in real life, but it doesn't keep us from thinking that way.
Only it doesn't change the seasons. Just our willingness to accept them as true. Some never will though.
And in the process called denial. It is what keeps some going regardless of the facts. However it never works for those who truly see God as real.
For we know he exists and doesn't function to make us live outside of reality. Embracing it can be the most rewarding part of life.
Which is so helpful if we cling to the truth instead of lies.
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