You don't have to always see a sign to know when something is for sale. The heart's sign is normally one noticeable in what people say.
It is the little comments we make that give away how we are vulnerable to given suggestion. The in essence our loyalty or passion is for sale if one will give us our desires.
I think it is fundamental to us all. We just don't admit it that often. Sometimes it is easier to pretend that we really don't have certain feeling, but they do leak out in what we say.
The other day I was talking to this one person who was planning a change in life. And the person casually mentioned as part of this change getting involved with a certain activity. The given activity would have been one that was involved with consequences that were other than positive. At least they would have spelled disaster eventually.
But this person didn't want to admit it. So it was easier to simply say, I just going to do this for the most innocent of reasons.
It was a lie, I could see in the person's eyes. It just sounded so much more acceptable than admitting the truth.
How often we can do this so easily. Be unable to come to grips with what we truly will have for sale in our heart.
So instead we just put up a different sign about something totally different before hoping once the person looks they will ask about what we didn't think was worth mentioning. It is all a game we play with our thinking an emotions.
Another way we use to deny the sin brewing in our hearts. For if we start out in innocence of lips and then later give in to the sin of the heart who can blame us, it was an accident?
A wonderful excursion of excuses. Just not one that truly brings about a truth we can face for reality.
God will open our eyes to what is truly for sale within. He will show us how we can even find what we need without such lies.
Then we can change that for sale sign till it doesn't have to be so obvious. And instead even discard it all together.
Being content in God's store to shop for what truly brings the things into our hearts that will genuinely satisfy. It is all a matter of what we chose to do with regards to the sign and when it makes it a difference.
Sometimes the dreams speak the loudest if we are thinking with God's help.
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