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Friday, June 22, 2007


There is a point with many things that we reach and have to be honest the wheels of life are moving in a given direction. It isn't always easy to embrace this reality, even though it is what is fact.

Seems like the more we have to risk, the more we feel the nag inside to hope some disaster won't happen. And even though the moment is reached when we know how things will work out, we still cling at times to the dream a miracle will happen.

The tough question is when do we reach the point of knowing it is time to just accept what is going to come and when do we keep fighting? I wish the answer was easy to find.

Some will tell you they always know that point. It is as if they have some crystal ball in their brain and it makes them able to see the future perfectly.

A nice fantasy, but not close to the truth. So it still remains for those of us not blessing with perfect sight into the future if we can honestly embrace what is the right point in terms of accepting the inevitable.

The first battle to me is in the arena of honesty. Are we looking at the facts with certain expectations? Our attitude can truly impact how we feel about what is going to happen.

If we think failure is inevitable then we will get failure whether it was going to happen or not. The converse isn't necessarily true. Thinking positive doesn't guarantee success, just makes the wait less painful.

In either case, for me the really hard challenge is to pray that God will open our eyes to the truth, whatever it is. Then grant us the wisdom to accept the facts and how we should deal with them.

From that foundation, which is truly so hard to accomplish at times, we can face what is the future with the mind prepared to embrace what will be. It might not be glamorous or exciting, but it will bring more peace.

Which grants us a chance to come to terms with what the Lord has prepared for us. And to also accept with more strength if that means something unexpected that is less than uplifting.

Some times faith stirs the most challenging parts of our lives. It can be tough to embrace with all the types of uncertainty it brings.

We can dwell upon our illusions or we can face the light as it truly shines. That part we have to decide for ourselves.

Hopefully we see it with an open heart and not closed eyes.


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