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Wednesday, May 23, 2007


There are so many places we live other than the location we call our home. Anywhere we dwell in our hearts or souls can be a form of home. It can be a place we cling to with as much emotion as our actual home. Depending on things like how important the place it in our lives, such as work. For some work will naturally be even more valuable that their regular dwelling.

It really is dependent so often on what we cherish in life. That location where our passions come alive and we feel a true sense of being. Ideally that should be our home, but admittedly there are times when homes are other than places of love. So people end up gravitating to somewhere else where that need is felt.

That doesn't mean we always want to admit this reality. It is just a fact that we accept on a level without letting the thought dig at us too much.

This doesn't have to be a negative aspect of life. For there are those who are alone and find some joy in environments where they have the company of others.

But if home means the usual in terms of family and all the predictable elements and one is still happier elsewhere, then that is often not an expression of joy. Yet, most of us life with it just the same.

On a spiritual level, one's home is really wherever our soul feels the greatest communion with God. Which doesn't necessarily translate into meaning church either. It can be wherever touches one the most in terms of making one aware of the Lord.

Personally, I think there are times when the Lord speaks to us through his spirit and there are certain places that happens more than others. It is simply a matter of the energy their inspire. You just feel the presence of God more intensely.

Some translate that has being relevant to locations of a natural beauty where one is more inclined to sense God's hand at work. However, the reality is that it can be anywhere.

That will be a matter of how God truly touches. And there are times when it can even be a location or community of souls where each is drawn for a variety of reasons.

When it is truly a community of God's inspiration then it will be one where there is joy and a sense of bonding. Plus a sense of identity as if you are among friends who all share the same joy of knowing the Lord on a certain share intimacy.

You don't have to talk about it, you can see it in the other person's eyes. A kind of knowing that just is felt.

Those are the community where self is not the issue. God is what matters. One feels the joy of lifting up one's faith and praise to the Lord without it being one's own essence being the center of attention. We can't always find such places as we desire, but God will lead us to the one that we need if we pay attention and listen when he touches.


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