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Friday, May 18, 2007


Well, everyone probably has their own idea of glory. That moment of fame when the light shines on your and you are recognized for some talent or achievement.

I don't believe that God is against us getting recognition for our labors. But if it becomes our god, then it can be a stumbling block to one's faith.

It is hard to find a balance at times. And even more so if one views prosperity as some form of sign that God is blessing one's labors.

I've always found it interesting how so often when a movement of God's spirit happens with some ministry, it suddenly starts wanting to concentrate on things like new buildings. Not that growth doesn't require larger facilities, but I think it is a reflection of ego.

It isn't my desire here to condemn or criticize what choices a given ministry chooses to make, but does everyone head of a large church really need to live in luxury? I'm not saying that do, but it does appear that way at times.

The lure seems from my view to be related to one's need to have the taste of glory in one's own life. A way to have one's heaven on earth.

Is this really God's desire or will? To be honest this is a question that to me can be very complicated. For when there are blessings to a ministry it can be a witness of God's will. If it is shared with others from a humble heart and for the right reasons, that can be a good thing.

But if all it does it create a need for boating about one's greatness that isn't a good thing. It can be to say the least corruptive and seducing.

They type of temptation where power is able to blind one to the lure or wanting more than God intended. Only we often don't see it that way.

So often people can slide from being simple, hard working servants of the Lord to someone obsessed with their own greatness. And no matter how much knowledge or faith, it doesn't in any way prevent the person from such temptation.

I guess for me, I wish you could find more people who when they were called of god honestly just treated it as a time of serving him without a need to try and build empires or kingdoms. That might be refreshing for change.

However, I haven't observed it to be the way most people react. It is never enough to have one's needs or have one's spiritual wisdom enhanced, one expects all the trappings of this life too.

For myself, I think having my needs met are enough at this point. And knowing something I write gets read and touches in some way.


Blogger dragonfly said...

So true and meaningful... i watch the church trump tower warfare going on in our city... don't need to wonder where your donation goes!

I'll keep reading and you keep writing!! You are blessed with the spirit that has a wisdom we all may have, but don't all want to see. I don't like change - even though I realize it's good and sometimes necessary. It scares me. But, I'm moving in that direction anyway because I wake up and want to live each day to the fullest...
Thanks for sharing! Betsy

12:40 PM  

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