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Wednesday, May 16, 2007


What is really sane can in part be debated I imagine. What I think we do know is when something is other than normal. With normal being that rule book of conformity we used to determine if we think something is acceptable. If it isn't then we treat it as madness.

Of course if our frame of reference is not according to society standards we end up being viewed as less than normal. Which can be a very uncomfortable experience when it comes with enough criticism.

Beneath this obvious layer of social issues, there resides the levels of thought and values were other concepts have dominion. Including naturally, the spiritual realm.

That doesn't keep us from attempting to clone the places of God by the dynamics as the rest of the world. Is it any surprise that God would in such situations then express himself in ways that would by out standards be considered strange?

The Lord doesn't concern himself in that sense whether those who serve him are popular for following and obeying him. Sometimes he will even let us look foolish since he wants the truth of his word only to be understand by the few, not all.

Some would regard such witness as madness. To ignore the values of practical wisdom for the sake of serving him would be thought of by many as strange, it not insane.

There are those who can not accept that kind of sacrifice. So they will only filter the faith through a form of behavior that they decide is acceptable to others.

Then there is the opposite response. Those who for the sake of hate decide to become the world's moral policemen.

For them they will never are happy unless you are miserable. They will either embrace you if you crawl on your knees to tell them how great they are or they will find some reason to violate your rights.

In either case, it is in reality a witness to a different kind of madness. The one that is dominate in terms of taking away other people's freedoms.

So we move ahead at times, if we listen to God. If we celebrate his love and grace instead of our values.

That is road that my take us on a journey other than where we expect and in places where we aren't always respected. But if it is where God seeks us to go, then we will have more joy that unhappiness from the knowing we did what he wanted.

And one can call that madness if they wish. I just think of it as the footsteps of faith that see heaven instead of the now. Which is enough in some case to help us see the Lord's sanity that others fail to see.


Blogger dragonfly said...

So true - I am gladly considered insane by most. I know the homeless in the downtown where I work on a first name basis - I have no fears of them and I consider most of them friends. Some think me insane and crazy - and that's just fine with me. I'm pulled to those who need someone... and when I'm pulled - I don't ask I just follow :) Betsy

1:02 PM  

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